Electronic Component Repair

We repair electronic components that can be properly tested under load on the bench.

Every day, small businesses and large corporations across America rely on their equipment to keep their businesses up and running.

The malfunctioning of even just one machine can create problems on an assembly line, disrupt services for clients or shut down the business for a few days. This not only costs you time but money. Proactive business people ensure they schedule routine maintenance of their equipment. They also keep trusted contractors at the ready to handle industrial electronics repair.

What ETI Group Services Can Do for You

Our highly skilled industrial electronics repair technicians have received extensive training on a wide variety of electronics used by your business. We also have the tools needed to bench test these items. Over the past 30 years, we have learned to work with several different brands, both foreign and domestic. We have the ability to dynamically bench test items from Amplifiers, Heat Controllers, Light Curtains to Power Supplies & UPS devices. Here is a list of the main item categories we tackle when providing electronics repair services:

  • Encoders
  • Amplifiers
  • Light curtains
  • Power supplies
  • Temperature controllers
  • Monitors / Displays / Terminals / CRT’s
  • Welders, welding machines and welding equipment

Amplifiers: Some of the manufacturers whose amplifiers we repair include Bogen, Crown, Fanuc, Indramat, Mitsubishi, Rauland-Borg Corp., Sciaky, and Yaskawa.

Encoders: Accu-Coder, Allen Bradley, Autotech, Dynamic Research, Dynapar, Heidenhain, T&R Electronics, Yaskawa and more.

Light Curtains: Allen Bradley, Banner, Data Instruments, Dolan Jenner, Safe Scan, Shadow, SICK, STI, and Triad.

Temperature Controllers: Athena, Barber Coleman, D.M.E., Eurotherm, Leeds & Northrup, Heidenhain, Omega, Watlow and more.

Power Supplies: Abbot, AC-DC, Acopian, B&K Precision, Cincinnati, DEC, Fanuc, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, Indramat, Lambda, LH Research, NCR, Powermate, Siemens, Slo-syn, Sola, Unimate and Yaskawa.

The Benefits of Electronic Repairs

Large corporations often view repairs as a hassle. Concerned that the equipment or machine part may cause more problems later on, they sell or dump it and upgrade to something else. Smaller companies do not always have this option. Even when they do, the trade-off in advances over cost may not be worth it. Here are a few reasons why working closely with a repair company can benefit you.

  1. Save Some Money. If you have ever owned a car where the transmission or engine went out, your mechanic probably told you to just buy a new car. Some equipment and machine parts are like the engine and transmission of a car, but not all. Sometimes minor fixes can prolong the life of your equipment, giving you several more years of use until you can afford replacements.
  2. Save Your Time. Repairing equipment often seems time-consuming. However, you know what can be even more time-consuming? The process of installing new equipment, updating software and upgrading related parts can take hours or even months to complete, depending on complexity. Repairs may take a few minutes to a few hours to complete, putting you back in business as quickly as possible.
  3. Escape the Learning Curve. One of the costs of upgrading that many businesses fail to account for is the learning curve. New machines sound great on paper, but retraining the entire workforce to use them takes time. During that time, workers may make costly mistakes or just slow down the process. Keeping old equipment and making very gradual upgrades help to resolve this issue.
  4. Keep Spares on Hand. There are times when our clients request repair services for an extra machine or part they may have. Even when they have brand-new equipment, they may keep these spares on hand to pick up the slack if the other machines ever stop working. Having a place-filler means that the show may go on even when important pieces of the puzzle are out of service.
  5. Save the Environment. Consumerism and the replace-over-repair approach to business and our personal lives means that landfills often have more trash than they can handle. While repairs only delay the inevitable, it nonetheless helps to reduce the pressure placed on waste management systems and the environments they exist in.

Why You Should Work With Us

At ETI Group Services, we have over three decades of experience providing maintenance and repair services to our clients. We are especially skilled in industrial electronics repair and offer a 12-month in-service warranty for work completed. Whether you need help with repairing your amplifiers or your encoders, we look forward to serving you. Use our contact form to request a quote today and get your equipment back in working order.